Peshka Training Course (download version)

Dear customer!

Thank you for choosing our software product!
Peshka 2.0 interface comes with FREE Mikhail Botvinnik course!
If you have lost your activation link or if you experience any problems during any installation, write us to


  1. If you don't already have latest Peshka 2.02 installed, download and install it — DOWNLOAD LINK
  2. Make sure that your antivirus does not block the program.
  3. Run Peshka 2.02.
  4. If you running Peshka for a first time, you will be prompted with a dialog. Choose to register. Fill out the registration form and click Register, then go to step 5 . Otherwise skip this step.
  5. Select the Tools tab and click Wizard. Go online by clicking "Switch" in the bottom left corner. Then click Profile and log in or register if you don't have an account.
  6. Click the Activate Courses button. Copy/Paste the activation link you've got when buying the course in our shop and click OK.
  7. You wil be transferred to the course list. Double click on the hilighted course (the one you bought).
  8. The course will load and you may begin your chess training!


English manual — DOC PDF
German manual — DOC PDF
Italian manual — DOC PDF
Spanish manual — DOC PDF

Best regards,
ChessOK Team.