Displaying 121 to 130 (of 294 specials)
Boris Spassky - 10th Chess Champion (download)
This course contains all the games of the 10th World Champion, one of the superior masters of attack in chess history.
This course contains all the games of the 10th World Champion, one of the superior masters of attack in chess history.
Mikhail Botvinnik - 6th World Champion (download)
The most complete collection of Botvinniks games ever compiled. Contains as many as 1.069 games played by Botvinnik from 1924 till 1970.
The most complete collection of Botvinniks games ever compiled. Contains as many as 1.069 games played by Botvinnik from 1924 till 1970.
Jose Raul Capablanca - 3rd World Champion (download)
640 commented games played by the 3rd World Champion Jose Raul Capablanca. All the games deeply annotated by GM Khailfman and Petersburg IMs.
640 commented games played by the 3rd World Champion Jose Raul Capablanca. All the games deeply annotated by GM Khailfman and Petersburg IMs.
Emanuel Lasker - 2nd World Champion (download)
The most complete collection of Emanuel Laskers games ever compiled. Contains 630 games, covering the entire long career of the 2nd World Champion in chess (held the title from 1896 to 1921).
The most complete collection of Emanuel Laskers games ever compiled. Contains 630 games, covering the entire long career of the 2nd World Champion in chess (held the title from 1896 to 1921).
CT-ART 3.0 (download)
Taktik temalarla zengin olan bu eğitim kursu Yazışmalı satranç üzere Rus büyük usta Maxim Blokh ‘un gözden geçirilmiş ve genişletilmiş ünlü “Satranç Taktikleri Sanat’ı “ kitabı temelinde hazırlanmıştır (1600-2800 ELO).
Taktik temalarla zengin olan bu eğitim kursu Yazışmalı satranç üzere Rus büyük usta Maxim Blokh ‘un gözden geçirilmiş ve genişletilmiş ünlü “Satranç Taktikleri Sanat’ı “ kitabı temelinde hazırlanmıştır (1600-2800 ELO).
Chess Openings Encyclopedia 2014 (Download)
Openings Encyclopedia 2014 is an excellent tool for studying the openings, building opening repertoire and fast games database searching.
Openings Encyclopedia 2014 is an excellent tool for studying the openings, building opening repertoire and fast games database searching.
Total Chess Strategy (download)
Levels 6 - 8 [Rating 1600-2200]; Strategy.This collection includes three top courses on chess strategy: Chess Strategy 3.0, Chess Guide for Club Players, Chess Guide for Intermediate Players.
Levels 6 - 8 [Rating 1600-2200]; Strategy.This collection includes three top courses on chess strategy: Chess Strategy 3.0, Chess Guide for Club Players, Chess Guide for Intermediate Players.
16th World Champion (download)
All 1198 games played by the World Champion. About 230 of them with commentary. 80 exercises: play like Carlsen and play against Carlsen.
All 1198 games played by the World Champion. About 230 of them with commentary. 80 exercises: play like Carlsen and play against Carlsen.
4 World Chess Champions (download)
This package includes 4 courses: Fischer, Kasparov, Anand, Carlsen.
This package includes 4 courses: Fischer, Kasparov, Anand, Carlsen.
Combo World Champions (download)
Three courses on legendary World Champions: Fischer, Kasparov and Anand. All games, commentary, "Play like a champion" exercises.
Three courses on legendary World Champions: Fischer, Kasparov and Anand. All games, commentary, "Play like a champion" exercises.
Displaying 121 to 130 (of 294 specials)