Chess Assistant Standard is a basic Chess Assistant database management platform.
Chess Assistant Standard is a unique tool for managing chess games and databases, playing chess through the Internet, analyzing games, or playing chess against the computer.
Chess Assistant has a long history of innovative and advanced analysis functions and now, with a built-in CQL search system, it has also taken the lead in advanced search functionality.
Chess Assistant Standard includes free yet robust playing engines (Delfi, Dragon and Rybka 2.3a), Chess Opening Encyclopedia 2014 mode, a powerful search system, the unique Tree mode, databases of about 6 million games in total (Apr. 1, 2014) that can be updated from every week with 1500 new games! When it comes to searching, you will not find a more powerful system.
What's in Chess Assistant Standard package:
- New databases, 6 million games in total (as of April 1, 2014)
- Chess Openings Encyclopedia 2014
What's the difference? - Check the comparison table we made to help you choose the best product for your needs.

Language versions: English, Spanish, German, French and Italian versions are available.
System Requirements: 256 RAM, 4 Gb, Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, Internet access during installation.