CSO Starter: Full Course (ELO 0-1400)

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CSO Starter: Full Course (ELO 0-1400)

€49.94 €39.95Save: 20% off

Chess School Online Starter is a web-based chess teaching platform. You can access it anytime, anywhere, using a web browser and Internet connection.

With CSO Starter: Full Course you receive access to 102 lessons that will guide you from complete beginner to the level of a competent club player.

The course is composed by an experienced chess trainer Sergei Slugin.

Each lesson includes 2 parts:

  1. Theory: a fully voiced and animated video lesson
  2. Practice: 10-50 interactive exercises

The Starter package is meant for individual study.

Upon purchase, you receive lifelong access to all materials in the course.

FREE TRIAL: You can use the demo account below to try this product.
The account includes 3 lessons from each course.

Sign in at: school.chessok.com
Username: demo
Password: 1234

After signing in, go to Classes. You will see three groups of lessons, one from each sub-course. Click on one of the groups to unfold it, then click View.
On the left, you will see the navigation panel to switch between lessons and groups of exercises.
On the right is the display scree with theory and exercises.

Table of contents:

Chess School Online 1 (Absolute Beginner)

1. Introduction
2. The Chessboard
3. Chess Notation
4. Pieces
5. The Initial Position
6. The Pawn
7. The Pawn. Part 2
8. The Rook
9. The Rook. Part 2
10. The Bishop
11. The Bishop. Part 2
12. The Queen
13. The Queen. Part 2
14. The Knight
15. The Knight. Part 2
16. Chess Pieces. Revision
17. The Value of Pieces
18. Choosing a Piece to Capture
19. The King
20. The King. Part 2
21. Check
22. Discovered Check and Double Check
23. Checkmate
24. Mate in One
25. Castling
26. Mate in One - More Complicated Cases
27. Mate in One - More Complicated Cases. Part 2
28. Draw. Stalemate, Perpetual Check
29. The Lawn mower Mate
30. Mate in Two
31. Mate with King and Queen
32. Double Attack
33. Double Attack, Check to Win a Piece
34. Revision

Chess School Online 2 (ELO 1000-1200)

1. Revision of the First Year
2. Smothered Mate
3. Double Check. Mate in Two Using a Double Check.
4. Scholar's Mate
5. Dangerous Diagonal
6. Lead in Development
7. Lead in Development. Part 2
8. Attacking the King in the Center
9. Attacking the King. Part 2
10. Attacking the Castled King
11. Mate with Queen Sacrifice
12. Mate in Two with Rook, Bishop or Knight Sacrifice
13. Double Attack by Pawn, Bishop, Rook
14. Double Attack by Queen
15. Double Attack by Queen. Part 2
16. Double Attack by Knight - Fork
17. Double Attack by Knight - Fork. Part 2
18. Skewer
19. The Pin
20. The Pin. Part 2
21. Protection from Pins
22. Protection from Pins. Part 2
23. Decoy
24. Deflection
25. Deflection. Part 2
26. Overloading
27. Clearance
28. Line Mate
29. Line Mate. Part 2
30. Winning Poorly Positioned Pieces. Bishops and Knights
31. Winning Poorly Positioned Pieces. Queens and Rooks.
32. Mate with King and Rook
33. Bare King
34. Revision

Chess School Online 3 (ELO 1200-1400)

1. Revision of the Second Year
2. Breakthrough
3. Breakthrough. Part 2
4. Two Bishops
5. Opening - Weak f7 and f2 Squares
6. Opening - Weak f7 and f2 Squares. Part 2
7. Opening - Lead in Development
8. Opening - Lead in Development. Part 2
9. Discovered Attack
10. Discovered Attack. Part 2
11. Intermediate move
12. Undermining
13. Interference
14. Passed pawns
15. Pawn Breakthrough
16. Queening
17. Queening. Part 2
18. Rule of the Square
19. Pushing and Blocking with the King
20. Making Use of Extra Pawns. Outside Passed Pawn
21. Active King
22. Initiating the Pawn Endgame
23. Perpetual Check Combinations
24. Stalemate Combinations
25. Stalemate Combinations. Part 2
26. Trapped Pieces
27. Trapped Queen
28. Trapped Queen. Part 2
29. Trapped King
30. King's Gambit
31. King's Gambit. Part 2
32. Danish Gambit
33. Central Game
34. Revision

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