Chess for Networks (Internet version)

Product 2/7
Product 2/7
Chess for Networks (Internet version)

€998.75 €599.25Save: 40% off

The complex Chess for Network includes the unique solution for teaching chess online and vast time proven chess training material for beginners and intermediate players.

If you are a professional chess trainer and need an all-inclusive toolkit for online lessons, buy this lifetime account just once and add unlimited number of students.

The poduct includes one trainer's account at the online chess teaching server and the ability to create and manage unlimited number of students. The teachers can easily conduct lessons with hundreds of students using the existing training material supplied with the purchase or creating their own!

Includes a private playing zone, where you and your students can play online, organize tournaments and simultaneuous exhibitions.

In total there are 350 lessons including 7000 theoretical examples and exercises meant for the studies with chess beginners at general schools during 2-3 years.

You can create your own teaching content using any version of Chess Assistant. Chess Assistant Standard comes as a free bonus with this purchase!

Chess for Networks has been successfully tested for teaching at general school: in 2005 Slovenian Education Ministry has licensed the complex Chess for Networks in Slovenian for holding regular lessons at all general schools of the country.

"Chess for Network" program has the following modes:

  1. Authorisation of students. Each student receives his/her unique login and password, which is entered at log-on and identifies the student regardless of what computer he’s working at.
  2. Creation of classes and groups. A teacher has an opportunity of creating classes and groups that include any number of students for group tasks and group lectures.
  3. Lecture. A teacher has a possibility of showing teaching material to the whole class or student groups on a common chessboard. The board, variants, text remarks and markers entered by the coach on a computer, are displayed on the chessboards of all students.
  4. Seminar. A teacher shows chess material on a common board, receives students’ questions in a chat and answers them either in a chat, or by entering variants and text remarks in the task on a common board. He/she asks questions, tests students and receives their answers, enables students to enter variants or text remarks in a common board.
  5. Tasks for students self-working in a class. A teacher has a possibility of generating a lesson for self-working. Each task can include theoretical material and tests. The teacher has a possibility of observing independent operations of each student, giving him instructions, helping in difficult situations (the teacher thus has a possibility to use the help of the built-in engine) and highlighting a piece or a field on the student’s board using markers.
  6. Hometask for students. A teacher has a possibility of generating a hometask that includes: theoretical material, tests, playing an educational position against the computer game for a group of students. Each student saves the homework on his/her floppy disk; at home he copies it to his/her home computer and fulfills. At the following lesson the student brings a floppy disk with the hometask results formed by the program to class. These results are brought into the school network version and become accessible to the teacher.
  7. Printing. The teacher has a possibility of printing out teaching materials for students.
  8. Statistics. The teacher has the complete information on each student or a group of students: what exercises have been solved and with what success, how much time has been spent on each task, etc. The report on each student operation can be printed out visually.
  9. Chat. Over the local network the teacher has a possibility of communicating with students or a student group. Students have a possibility of communicating both directly, and within the group limits.
  10. Six courses for beginners and intermediate players are included. The package with the program "Chess for Network" includes a training courses: Chess School for Beginners, Chess Tactics for Beginners, Advanced Chess School, Encyclopedia of Opening Blunders, Strategy 2.0, Chess Tactics for intermediate players.

Video course for Chess for Network program.

System requirements for Chess for Networks program:

  1. To the local network: Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, network 10 Mbit/sec.
  2. To the server: Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, 256 RAM, 20 GB HDD, Internet access.
  3. To working places (for the teacher and the students): Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, 128 MB RAM, monitor resolution no less than 1024x768.

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