Level 3 [Rating 1000-1200]

Level 3 [Rating 1000-1200]

Spotting simple opportunities to use the motifs: discovered check, undermining.
Spotting and protecting pieces in danger.
Defending against mate in 1 move.
Basic principles of chess endings king+pawn vs king.
Passed pawns.
The names and first moves of some openings.

Full list of courses by level

We also have Android versions of courses for this level:

Displaying 1 to 10 (of 13 products)
From Beginner to Club Player (Download, Multiplatform 5x)From Beginner to Club Player (Download, Multiplatform 5x)
Levels 1 - 5 [Rating 200-1600]; Tactics, Strategy. 500 examples and 700 exercises. 100 different topics covering all main aspects of chess.

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Advanced Defense (CD)Advanced Defense (CD)
Levels 3 - 5 [Rating 1000-1600]; Tactics. 400 exercises on piece protection and checkmate prevention.

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Advanced Defense (download, Multiplatform 5x)Advanced Defense (download, Multiplatform 5x)
Levels 3 - 5 [Rating 1000-1600]; Tactics. 400 exercises on piece protection and checkmate prevention.

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

From Beginner to Club Player (CD)From Beginner to Club Player (CD)
Levels 1 - 5 [Rating 200-1600]; Tactics, Strategy. 500 examples and 700 exercises. 100 different topics covering all main aspects of chess.

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Chess Tactics for Beginners 2.0 (CD)Chess Tactics for Beginners 2.0 (CD)
Levels 1 - 4 [Rating 200-1400]; Tactics. Over 2200 tactical exercises classified by theme and difficulty

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Chess Tactics for Beginners 2.0 (Download, Multiplatform 5x)Chess Tactics for Beginners 2.0 (Download, Multiplatform 5x)
Levels 1 - 4 [Rating 200-1400]; Tactics. Over 2200 tactical exercises classified by theme and difficulty

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Elementary Combinations (CD)Elementary Combinations (CD)
Levels 3 - 4 [Rating 1000-1400]; Tactics. Over 5000 exercises for beginners.

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Elementary Combinations (Download, Multiplatform 5x)Elementary Combinations (Download, Multiplatform 5x)
Levels 3 - 4 [Rating 1000-1400]; Tactics. Over 5000 exercises for beginners.

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Attack on the King I (CD)Attack on the King I (CD)
Levels 3 - 4 [Rating 1000-1400]; Tactics. 33,000 mate exercises.

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Attack on the King I (Download, Multiplatform 5x)Attack on the King I (Download, Multiplatform 5x)
Levels 3 - 4 [Rating 1000-1400]; Tactics. 33,000 mate exercises.

€17.94 €12.49Save: 30% off

Displaying 1 to 10 (of 13 products)
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