Training with Peshk@ courses by ChessOK: ELO 2400+ in just two years. READ THE ARTICLE
Training Packages
This category includes various training packages for players of different skill. Packages contain multiple training course and cost less than courses separately.
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 14 products)

This package includes 6 courses in Peshk@ interface: Emanuel Lasker, Jose Raul Capablanca, Alexander Alekhine, Mikhail Botvinnik, Mikhail Tal and...

Levels 7 - 9 [Rating 1800-2400]; Strategy. More than 3000 examples and 4000 exercises on 18 strategic motifs.

Levels 6 - 8 [Rating 1600-2200]; Opening. A full set of all 10 courses of the Chess Tactics in the Opening series.

Chess Training Kit is a set of 3 courses: Chess Guide for Club Players, Chess Guide for Intermediate Players and Chess Tactics in Open Games

Levels 6 - 8 [Rating 1600-2200]; Opening. All seven volumes of Modern Chess Opening series, covering almost all chess openings with detailed...

Total Chess Tactics package consist of 3 products: Chess Tactics level 1, 2 and Chess Tactics level 3.

Training Package for Beginners includes huge carefully selected material to improve the skill level of newer players.

Training Package for Club Players lets you learn and improve various chess sklils in opening, middlegame, endgame, tactics and strategy.

Chess Training Package for intermediate players consists of five magnificent educational programs that cover all the aspects of chess: Opening,...
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 14 products)