Training with Peshk@ courses by ChessOK: ELO 2400+ in just two years. READ THE ARTICLE
For Club Players
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Levels 3 - 5 [Rating 1000-1600]; Tactics. 400 exercises on piece protection and checkmate prevention.

CT-ART is the world's most recognized and effective chess tactics course. The new CT-ART 5.0 combines three levels of chess tactics on three discs.

Levels 4 - 8 [Rating 1200-2200]; Tactics. The famous bestselling tactics course for club and intermediate players. 4000 hand-picked exercises,...

Levels 4 - 6 [Rating 1200-1800]; Tactics. 1200 examples and 700 exercises on 14 themes illustrating different mating situations.

Levels 1 - 5 [Rating 200-1600]; Tactics, Strategy. 500 examples and 700 exercises. 100 different topics covering all main aspects of chess.

Levels 6 - 9 [Rating 1600-2400]; Endgame. Over 700 examples and 2450 exercises, each illustrating theoretical and practical endgame methods.

Levels 7 - 9 [Rating 1800-2400]; Strategy. More than 500 examples and 300 exercises on chess middlegame.

Levels 3 - 4 [Rating 1000-1400]; Tactics. Over 5000 exercises for beginners.

Level 5 [Rating 1400-1600]; Tactics. More than 2000 exercises on combinations for club players.

Levels 4 - 5 [Rating 1200-1600]; Tactics. More than 5900 mate in 2 exercises, 700 mate in 3 or 4 exercises.
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